
CEPPETO Chianti Classico D.o.c.g. Riserva

Mannucci Droandi - CEPPETO RISERVA
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About This Project

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”….its land of origin – the high lands of Gaiole in the Chianti Classico area – is perfectly expressed in its rich aromas and concentrated flavour.”



We have grown grapes in our Caposelvi vineyards and made them into wine for three generations, but we only decided to enter the market ourselves in 1998, when we decided to reap the fruits of our experience and bottle our own wine. In our quest for quality we sometimes had to adapt our own way of thinking and that of our assistants. Once we had identified the best Sangiovese clones in the Ceppeto vineyards they were given special attention and vinified separately. 18 months in barriques (not only new ones) and 12 months in bottles completed the ageing process for this wine: its land of origin – the highlands of Gaiole in the Chianti Classico area – is perfectly expressed in its rich aromas and concentrated flavour.


Six hectares of medium-textured, clayey soil with plenty of stones, ideally aspected at an altitude of 300m above sea level: the best possible production conditions which, along with suitable agronomical choices (minimal cultivation of the land; cordon training and short spur pruning; foliage control in summer; bunch thinning; leaf thinning; harvesting in several stages), guarantee the highest quality grapes.

Blend Sangiovese 90 %, Merlot 10%.

Enologist Gianfrancesco Paoletti

Cellar Roberto Droandi is the cellar manager. The selected grapes are destemmed and gently crushed; vinification is carried out in medium-sized vats (50-100hl) with extended maceration (20 days) and délestage at intervals. Malolactic fermentation is carried out soon after devatting, a necessary step for the subsequent ageing (18 months) in French oak barriques (a few of which are new, and the rest used for the second time). Lastly the wine completes its maturation with 12 months in the bottles.

Recommended ageing period The wine will continue to improve in balance and smoothness for 10-12 years